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Meredith Carroll

Professor | College of Aeronautics

Director | ATLAS Lab - Advancing Technology-interaction and Learning in Aviation Systems

Contact Information

Personal Overview

Dr. Meredith Carroll is a Professor of Aviation Human Factors and Director of the Advancing Technology-interaction and Learning in Aviation Systems (ATLAS) Lab at Florida Institute of Technology’s College of Aeronautics. She has over 20 years of experience studying human/team performance and training in complex systems. Her research focuses on decision making in complex systems, cognition and learning, human-machine teaming, performance assessment and adaptive training.  She has been funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), and the Army Research Laboratory (ARL) to study different facets of these areas. She also worked at the Kennedy Space Center conducting user-centered design of International Space Station payloads, processing facilities and ground support equipment. She teaches a range of human factors courses aimed at giving students practical, hands-on experience in applying theories of cognition and learning to optimize performance in a range of situations from aviation to defense.

Some of her recent research projects include research currently funded by AFOSR to study trust in heterogeneous, multi-level human-agent teams, including interventions to ensure proper calibration of human trust in agents/autonomous systems and strategies to repair trust after a trust violation.   She is also currently funded by ONR to examine instructional strategies to engage and educate under represented minorities (women and minorities) in the field of cybersecurity, including development of a pilot training program for local high schools.  She is also conducting research in the field of Urban/AdvancedAir Mobility (U/AAM), examining human factors considerations for pilot operations of emerging vehicle and operational concepts.  She was also recently funded by the FAA to study pilot decision making on the flight deck, including how to effectively integrate information from multiple sources and  support pilots in making effective decisions when faced with information with varying levels of integrity, reliability and security.  

Educational Background

Ph.D. Applied Experimental/Human Factors Psychology, University of Central Florida, 2010
M.S. Aviation Science, Florida Institute of Technology, 2003
B.S. Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia, 2001

Professional Experience

Tenured Professor, Florida Tech, College of Aeronautics (2021-Present)

Associate Professor, Florida Tech, College of Aeronautics (2015-2021)

Senior Research Associate, Design Interactive, Inc. Orlando, FL (2005-2015): Served as Principal Investigator for the following research and development efforts:

  • Studied tactical decision making under stress and individual resilience to stress; developed models, measures and training techniques for improving resilience of decision making skills under stress (ONR Funded)
  • Developed and conducted empirical evaluation of a performance assessment and debrief system that integrated eye tracking technology to assess pilot scan strategies and cognitive state for Next Gen tactical aviation training (AFRL funded)
  • Evaluated low cost physiological sensors for integration into training tools to assess cognitive and affective states (ARL Funded)
  • Developed and evaluated tools for measuring training effectiveness and Return on Training Investment (ONR, AFRL Funded)
  • Developed trainee modeling techniques utilizing affective sate, cognitive states and behavioral performance (ONR Funded)
  • Designed and empirical evaluated eye tracking measures and virtual training tools to assess and remediate perceptual skills including visual search, detection and recognition (ONR Funded)
  • Designed and evaluated multiple virtual training environments, including conduct of task analysis, requirements analysis, and training effectiveness evaluation for several military domains.
  • Conducted user-centered design and usability evaluation of a variety and training and operational systems in the military and aviation domains.

Adjunct Professor, Florida Tech, College of Aeronautics (2012-2014)
Courses: Human Computer Interaction

Human Factors Design Specialist, The Boeing Company, Kennedy Space Center, FL (2003- 2005)

  • Performed human factors analysis and design of International Space Station (ISS) payloads, support equipment, facilities, work tasks
  • Conducted incident investigation and root causes analysis of incidents related to ISS flight hardware, support equipment, facilities
  • Performed human factors requirements verification of ISS payloads
  • Conducted usability testing in support of NASA's Human Factors Integrated Toolkit

Additional Duties at Florida Tech

Director, Advancing Technology-interaction & Learning in Aviation Systems (ATLAS) Lab

Co-Chair, Florida Tech Women's Council, Professional Development Subcomittee

Member, Florida Tech University Committee for Promotion and Tenure 

Member, College of Aeronautics Graduate Program Committee

Member, College of Aeronautics Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Committee

Member, College of Aeronautics Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Advisor, Florida Tech Drone Club

Board Member, Florida Tech Catholic Campus Ministry

Current Courses

Introduction to Human Factors

Human Machine Systems

Human Factors in Man Machine Systems

Human Computer Interaction

Interaction Design and Usability

The Urban Air Mobility Ecosystem

Selected Publications


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Osman, M. C,. Namukasa, M., Ficke, C., Piasecki, I., OConnor, TJ., & Carroll, M. (2023). Understanding how to diversify the cybersecurity workforce: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Cybersecurity Education, Research and Practice, 2023, 2(4).

Pittorie, W., Nakushian, A., Rebensky, S., Satter, M., Chaparro-Osman, M., Hunt, L., and Carroll, M. (2023). Development of a Theoretical Model of Pilot Decision Making with Conflicting Information.  The Aeronautical Journal, 127:1309, 331-345.

Osman, M.C., Sharma, V., Ficke, C., Mehta, R., & Wheeler, B.E., Carroll, M. (2022). Predicting Pilot-in-training Success and Persistence in a Private South Eastern United States University. Collegiate Aviation Review International.

Bhattacharyya, S., & Carroll, M. (2022). Editorial: Assuring Trustworthiness of Autonomous Systems as Intelligent and Ethical Teammates.  Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9:1004094.  

Rebensky, S., Carmody, K., Ficke, C., Carroll, M., & Bennett, W. (2022). Teammates instead of tools: The impacts of level of autonomy on mission performance and human–agent teaming dynamics in multi-agent distributed teams. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9.

Carroll, M., Sanchez, P., & Wilt, D.  (2021). An examination of pilot-reported trust and response to information conflicts experienced on the flight deck.  Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 11:2, 79-87.

Carroll M., & Dahlstrom, N. (2021) Human computer interaction on the modern flight deck, International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 37:7, 585-587, DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2021.1890495

Carroll, M., Rebensky, S., Wilt, D. F., Pittorie, W., Hunt, L., Chaparro, M., & Sanchez, P. (2021).  Integrating uncertified information from the electronic flight bag into the aircraft panel: impacts on pilot response.  International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 37: 7, 630-641.

Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., & Hu, X. (2021). Impact of heads-up displays on small unmanned aircraft system operator situation awareness and performance: A simulated study. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2021.1948683

Carroll, M. & Sanchez, P.  (2020). Decision making with conflicting information: Influencing factors and best practice guidelines.  Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Science. 

Carroll, M., Ruble, M., Dranias, M., Rebensky, S., Chaparro, M. , Chiang, J. and Winslow, B. (2020). Automatic detection of learner engagement using machine learning and wearable sensors. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 10, 165-178. doi:10.4236/jbbs.2020.103010.

Chaparro, M.E., Carroll, M. & Malmquist, S. (2020). Personality Trends in the Pilot Population. Collegiate Aviation Review International, 38(2), 

Carstens, D. S., Pittorie, W. P., Carroll, M. B., & Sanchez, P. L. (2020). Review of aviation safety databases to identify information discrepancies experienced on the flight deck: Implications for NextGen. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 10(2), 94–102.

Carroll, M., Lindsey, S., Chaparro, M., & Winslow, B. (2019). An applied model of learner engagement and strategies for increasing learner engagement in the modern educational environment. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1636083.

Carroll, M. & Winslow, B. (2017). Examination of the impact of condensed biofeedback training on acute stress responses. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 7, 287-303.

Champney, R. K., Stanney, K. M., Milham, L., & Carroll, M. B. (2017). An examination of virtual environment training fidelity on training effectiveness. International Journal of Learning Technology, 12(1), 42-65.

Lindsey, S., Carstens, D.S. & Carroll, M. (2017). Presence level of low cost controllers for mobile based virtual reality headsets. The Journal of Management & Engineering Integration, 10(1), 59-63.

Winslow, B. D., Carroll, M. B., Martin, J. W., Surpris, G. & Chadderdon, G.L. (2015). Identification of resilient individuals and those at risk for performance deficits under stress.  Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9(328). 1-10.

Carroll, M., Kokini, C. & Moss, J. (2013). Training effectiveness of eye tracking-based feedback at improving visual search skills. International Journal of Learning Technology, 8 (2), 147-168.


Conference Presentations, Proceedings and Posters

Carmody. K., Bhoomin, C., Namukasa, M., Sharma, V., Carroll, M., Berkel, G., & Adorno, Y. (2023). Training Implications for Future Pilots in Advanced Air Mobility. In Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Dec 2023, Orlando, FL.

Ficke, C., Addis, A., Nguyen, D., Carmody, K., Thayer, A., Wildman, J.L, & Carroll, M. (2023, July). Measuring Trust in a Simulated Human Agent Team Task. Paper to be presented at the 14th International Conference for Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics.

Sharma, V., Carroll, M., & Mehta, R. (2023). Trends in Personality Traits of Flight Instructors: Analyzing Personality Traits Impact on Self-Efficacy and Risk Perception. United Aviation Association Annual Aviation Education Conference.

Gough, C., Mann, C., Ficke, C., Namukasa, M., Carroll, M., & OConnor TJ. (2024). Remote Controlled Cyber: Toward Engaging and Educating a Diverse Cybersecurity Workforce. Proceedings of the Technical Symposium of Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE TS). Portland, OR, March 2024

Namukasa, M., Carroll, M., Chauhan, B. B., Sharma, V., Carmody, K., & Wilt, D. (2023). Key Constructs, Measures, and Considerations for Human Factors Researchers in the Advanced Air Mobility Domain. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 0(0).

Namukasa, M., Carroll, M., Marraffino, M. D., Johnson, C. I., Whitmer, D. E., Igwe, W., & Nash, M. (2023). Not all pain leads to gain: The role of learner engagement in adaptive flashcard training. In: Sottilare, R.A., Schwarz, J. (eds) Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14044. Springer, Cham.

Chauhan, B. B., Carmody, K., Namukasa, M., Sharma, V., Berkel, G., Adorno, Y., Smith, H., & Carroll, M. (2023, June). Guidelines for Information Display Characteristics for eVTOL Pilot Interfaces. 22nd The International Symposium on Aviation Psychology [Symposium]. Rochester, New York. ATLAS Lab 2023 ISAP Presentation

Carmody, K., Rebensky, S., Ficke, C., & Carroll, M. (2023). USability Analysis of Augmented Reality Glassess for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) Missions [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on aviation Psychology. Rochester, New York.

Osman, M. C., Namukasa, M., Carmody, K., Chauhan, B., Berkel, G., & Carroll, M. (2022). Perspectives for the Future: Considerations for UAM Aircraft Information Requirements. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL.

Sharma, V., & Carroll, M. (2022). CFIs safety behaviors at flight training schools: Understanding the effects of personality, self-efficacy, risk perception, and safety climate. National Training for Aviation Symposium. Daytona, FL.

Pittorie, W. P., Satter, M. C., & Carroll, M. (2022). Development of Upset Recovery and Basic Aerobatic Courses for Collegiate Flight Training Programs. National Training Aircraft Symposium. Daytona Beach, FL.

Nguyen, D.M., Carmody, K., Wildman, J.L., & Carroll, M. (2022). Developing a Dynamic Testbed: Designing for Trust in Complex Human-Agent Teams. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, Orlando, FL.

Osman, M. C., Namukasa, M., Carmody, K., Chauhan, B., Berkel, G., & Carroll, M. (2022). Perspectives for the Future: Considerations for UAM Aircraft Information Requirements. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL.

Ficke, C., Carmody, K., Nguyen, D., Piasecki, I., Addis, A., Akib, M., Thayer, A. L., Wildman, J. L., & Carroll, M. (2022). Improving Measurement of Trust Dynamics in Human-Agent Teams. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, & Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, FL.

Carmody, K. & Carroll, M. (2022). Don’t judge a book by its coVR: Learning and training in virtual reality: The effects of two levels of immersion. Proceedings of the Interservice/ Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC), Orlando, Florida.

Chaparro Osman, M., Prior, T., Rebensky, S., Nakushian A., and Carroll M. (2022). Influencing IOT device user privacy behaviors: An empirical study. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 66). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.

Carmody, K., Ficke, C., Nguyen, D., Addis, A., Rebensky, S., & Carroll, M. (2022). A qualitative analysis of trust dynamics in human-agent teams (HATS). Paper accepted by The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), Atlanta, GA.

Chaparro Osman, M., Nakushian, A., Prior, T., Rebensky, S., & Carroll, M. (2022) User experience, knowledge, perceptions and behaviors associated with internet of things (IoT) device information security. Environments – Human Computer Interaction International.

Whitmer, D. E., Marraffino, M. D., Johnson, C. I., Namukasa, M., Carroll, M. B., Igwe, W. M., Yelencscis, G., & Nash. M. (2022, November). Flip it and reverse it: Does adaptive sequencing really work? [Poster]. Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

Nguyen, D.M., Addis, A., Carmody, K., Ficke, C., Akib, M., Piasecki, I., Wildman, J.L, Carroll, M., & Thayer, A. (2022, July). A Multilevel Approach to Heterogeneous Human-Agent Team Trust Dynamics. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research, Hamburg, Germany.

Farelo, D.G., Bracaglia, L., Dailey, P., Tamrakar, S., Palladino, A., Carroll, M., & Valenti, A. (2022, April 3-7). An Adaptive Learning Model for Predicting and Analyzing Student Performance on Flight Training Tasks [Paper presentation]. SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing 2022, Orlando, Florida.

Carroll, M., Chaparro, M., Rebensky, S., Carmody, K., Mehta, R., & Pittorie, W. (2021). Adapting to the times: Examining adaptive instructional strategies in preferred and non-preferred class types. Human Computer Interaction International 2021.

Rebensky, S., Carmody, K., Ficke, C., Nguyen, D., Carroll, M., Wildman, J., & Thayer, A. (2021). Whoops! Something went wrong: Errors, trust, and trust repair strategies in human agent teaming. Human Computer Interaction International 2021.

Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Nakushian, A., Chaparro, M., & Prior, T. (2021). Understanding the last line of defense: Human response to cybersecurity events. Human Computer Interaction International 2021.

Chaparro M., & Carroll M. (2021). Examining vigilance in a simulated unmanned aircraft system (UAS) monitoring task. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2021).

Carroll, M. (2021) Location matters: How integrating electronic flight bag information into the aircraft panel impacts pilot response. [Conference Session].  21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.

Chaparro, M., Sharma, V., Ficke, C., Carroll, M., Mehta, R., Wheeler, B., & Dayiaglo, B. (2021).  Predicting pilot-in-training success in a private south eastern U.S. university.  [Conference Session].  21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.

Carroll, M., Wilt, D. F., & Sanchez, P. (2021). Recommended Training Practices to Prepare Pilots to Cope with Information Conflicts. In Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium of Aviation Psychology. (pp. 397-402). 

Chauhan, B., & Carroll, M. (2021).  Human factors considerations for urban air mobility.  In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology. (pp. 7-12). 

Pittorie, W., Rebensky, S., Hunt, L., Nakushian, A., Chaparro, M., & Carroll, M. (2021).  Factors influencing pilot trust in electronic flight bag information.  Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium of Aviation Psychology. (pp. 158-163). 

Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., & Hu, X. (2020). Collaborative development of a synthetic task environment by academia and military. Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2020.

Ebnali, M., Bailey, S., Ciccone, B., Wilson, R., Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., Bennett, W., Hu, X., Reiner, A., Vasquez, H., Wooldridge, A., Lee, L., Verma, P., Jeong, H., Gisick, L., French., Keebler, J. (2020). Virtual reality, augmented reality, and virtual environments: Demonstrations of current technologies and future directions. HFES 2020.

Rebensky, S., Chaparro, M., & Carroll, M. (2020). Optimizing the learning experience: 

Examining interactions between the individual learner and the learning context. In: Nazir S., Ahram T., Karwowski W. (eds) Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1211. Springer, Cham

Carroll, M., Sanchez, P., Wilt, D., & Rebensky, S. (2020). Utilizing Simulation to Train

Decision Making with Conflicting Information. In: Cassenti D., Scataglini S., Rajulu S., Wright J. (eds) Advances in Simulation and Digital Human Modeling. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1206. Springer, Cham.

Chaparro M., Carroll M., Hook J. (2020) Improving the Usability of a Digital Neurobehavioral Assessment. In: Ahram T., Falcão C. (eds) Advances in Usability, User Experience, Wearable and Assistive Technology. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1217. Springer, Cham 

Carroll, M., Rebensky, S., and Sanchez. (2020). Examining pilot response to cybersecurity events on the flight deck.  Presentation at the 32nd National Training Aircraft Symposium, March 2 - 4, 2020, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida.

Rebensky, S., Carroll, M., & Chaparro, M. (2020). Examination of the impact of various training approaches on different UAS operator populations. National Training Aircraft Symposium. March 2-4, Daytona Beach, FL.

Scott, T., & Carroll, M. (2020). Pilot selection research gaps: What we do and don't know about "the right stuff". National Training Aircraft Symposium. March 2-4, Daytona Beach, FL.

Carroll, M., Wilt, D. F., Sanchez, P., & Carstens, D. (2019). Examining pilot decision making in information-rich cockpits. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium of Aviation Psychology. (pp. 73-78), Dayton, OH. 

Pittorie, W., Carroll, M., & Carstens, D. (2019).  Effects of Verbal vs Graphical Weather Information on a Pilot’s Decision Making during Preflight. In Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium of Aviation Psychology.  (pp. 349-354). Dayton, OH.

Lindsey, S., Ganey, H.C. N., & Carroll, M. (2019). Designing military cockpits to support a broad range of personnel body sizes. Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. May 7-10, Dayton.

Pittorie, W., Lindsey, S., Wilt, D. F., & Carroll, M. (2019).  Low-Cost Simulator for Flight Crew Human-Factors Studies. In Proceedings of the AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition. Dallas, Texas.

Carroll M., Lindsey S., & Chaparro M. (2019). Integrating engagement inducing interventions into traditional, virtual and embedded learning environments. In Sottilare R., Schwarz J. (Eds.), Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11597. Springer, Cham. DOI:

Sanchez P.L. & Carroll M. B. (2019). Optimization of user interfaces in the digitization of paper-based processes: A case study of a mobile aviation application. In Marcus A., Wang W. (Eds.) Design, User Experience, and Usability. Practice and Case Studies. HCII 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11586. Springer, Cham. DOI:

Lindsey S., Carroll M., & Carstens D. (2019). Evaluation of the impact of mobile VR interaction methods on performance, preference, and enjoyment. In Stephanidis C. (eds) HCI International 2019 - Posters. HCII 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1033. Springer, Cham. DOI:

Carroll, M., Padron, C., Quinn, S., Surpris, G., Winslow, B., & Viklund, E.  (2015). Effectiveness of process level feedback at training tactical decision making. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.

Carroll, M., Surpris, G., Sidor, G., & Bennett, W. (2015). Evaluation of an eye tracking-based assessment and debrief tool for training next generation multirole tactical aviation skills.  Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH.

Carroll, M., Winslow, B., Padron, C., Surpris, G., Murphy, J., Wong, J. & Squire, P. (2014). Inducing stress in warfighters during simulation-based training. Proceedings of the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.

B. Winslow, M. Carroll, D. Jones, F. Hannigan, K. Hale, K. Stanney, & P. Squire (2013). Quantifying resilience to enhance individualized training. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Las Vegas, NV.

Carroll, M., Strally, S., Surpris, G., Archer, M., & Bennett, W.  (2013).  Enhancing HMD-based Joint Strike Fighter training through integration of eye tracking and EEG Technology.  Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.  July 2026, Las Vegas, NV. 



Books and Book Chapters

Carroll,. M. (2023).  Decision Making in Aviation.  In J.R. Keebler, E.H. Lazzara, K.A. Wilson & E.L. Blickensderfer (Eds.), Human Factors in Aviation and Aerospace (3rd ed., pp. 563-588). Elsevier.

Carroll, M., Rebensky, S., Chaparro, M., & Deaton, J.  (2023).  Justification for use of simulation.  In D. Vincenzi, M. Mouloua, and J. Wise (Eds.), Human Factors in Simulation and Training 2nd Edition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Carroll, M., & Malmsquist, S. (2022).  Resilient performance in aviation.  In C. Nemeth & E. Hollnagel (Eds.) Advancing Resilient Performance. Springer, Cham.

Stanney, K., Carroll, M., Champney, R., DeVore, L., & Hale, K. (2017). Virtual Environment Training Design: Pros, Cons, and Tailored Solutions. In Fundamental Issues in Defense Training and Simulation (pp. 169-178). CRC Press.

Stanney, K. M., Hale, K. S., Carroll, M. & Champney, R. (2015). Applied perception and virtual environment training systems. In J.L. Szalma, M. Scerbo, R. Parasuraman, P.A. Hancock, & R.R. Hoffman (Eds.), The Handbook of Applied Perception Research. Cambridge University Press.

Carroll, M., Johnston, M., & Hale, K. (2014). Visual perceptual skills training in virtual environments. In K.S. Hale (Ed.), Handbook of Virtual Environments: Designs, Implementations and Applications, 2nd Edition. Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates, Inc.: NY, NY. 

Champney, R. K. Carroll, M., Surpris, G., & Cohn, J. V. (2014). Conducting training transfer studies in virtual environments. In K.S. Hale (Ed), Handbook of Virtual Environments: Designs, Implementations and Applications, 2nd Edition. Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates, Inc.: NY, NY. 

Munro, A. Patrey, J., Biddle, E. S., & Carroll, M.  (2014). Cognitive aspects of virtual environment design. In K.S. Hale (Ed.), Handbook of Virtual Environments: Designs, Implementations and Applications, 2nd Edition. Lawrence, Erlbaum Associates, Inc.: NY, NY. 

Stanney, K., Carroll, M., Champney, R., DeVore, L., & Hale, K. (2013). Virtual environment training design: Pros, cons and tailored solutions. In C. Best, G. Galanis, J. Kerry, & R. Sottilare (Eds.), Fundamental Issues in Defense Training and Simulation. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

Fuchs, S., Carpenter, A., Carroll, M. & Hale, K. (2011). A hierarchical adaptation framework for adaptive training systems. In D.D. Schmorrow & C.M. Fidopiastis (Eds.), Foundations of Augmented Cognition: Directing the Future of Adaptive Systems. LNAI 6780. (pp. 413-421). Springer: New York.

Champney, R., Milham, L. M., Carroll, M. B., Ahmad, A., Stanney, K. M., Cohn, J., & Muth, E. (2008). Conducting training transfer studies in complex operational environments.  In D. Schmorrow, J. Cohn, & D. Nicholson (Eds.), The Handbook of Virtual Environment Training: Understanding, Predicting and Implementing Effective Training Solutions for Accelerated and Experiential Learning. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Milham, L. M., Carroll, M. B., Stanney, K. M., & Becker, W. (2008). Training requirements analysis. In D. Schmorrow, J. Cohn, & D. Nicholson (Eds.), The Handbook of Virtual Environment Training: Understanding, Predicting and Implementing Effective Training Solutions for Accelerated and Experiential Learning. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Thompson, T., Carroll, M. B., & Deaton, J. E. (2008). Justification for use of simulation.  In D.

Vincenzi, M. Mouloua, and J. Wise (Eds.), Human Factors in Simulation and Training. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 

Cohn, J. V., Stanney, K. M., Milham, L. M., Carroll, M. B., Jones, D. L., Sullivan, J. A., & Darken, R.P., (2008). Training effectiveness evaluation: From theory to practice. In D. Schmorrow, J. Cohn, & D. Nicholson (Eds.), The Handbook of Virtual Environment

Training: Understanding, Predicting and Implementing Effective Training Solutions for Accelerated and Experiential Learning. Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Becker, W. J., Burke, C. S., Sciarini, L. W., Milham, L., Carroll, M. B., Schaffer, R., & Wilbert, D.  (2008). Training effectiveness experimentation with the USMC Deployable Virtual Training Environment - Combined Arms Network.  In D. Schmorrow, J. Cohn, & D.

Nicholson (Eds.), The Handbook of Virtual Environment Training: Understanding, Predicting and Implementing Effective Training Solutions for Accelerated and Experiential Learning (Vol 3, Sec 2, pp.308-323). Aldershot, Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing.

Recognition & Awards

Best Paper Award, 3rd International Conference on Adaptive Instructional Systems, 2021

Best Paper Award, 4th International Conference on HCI in Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust, 2022


Dr. Carroll is currently funded by AFOSR, in collaboration with Florida Tech's Institute for Culture, Collaboration, and Management (ICCM), to develop a Multilevel Framework of Trust Dynamics in Human-Agent Teams (HATs) and associated unobtrusive measures of trust. The first year of the effort focuses on a review of recent literature in the field and conceptualization of the theoretical framework that will be validated in later experimentation, including experiments designed to validate aspects of the model such as the influence of different types of trust violations and repair strategies in teams, and how various compilational patterns of these events across teammates impacts trust. Experimentation will utilize multiple experimental testbeds, including the Multi-UAV Simulator for Teaming Research and Evaluation of Autonomous Missions (STREAM), a testbed for multi-UAV operations developed in collaboration with the AFRL's Gaming Research Integration for Learning Laboratory (GRILL), that simulates multiple autonomous UAVs with decision making capabilities in ISR missions. The outcomes of this project will help inform the design, implementation and training of HAT agents and human teammates resulting in improved team dynamics, and increased team performance and mission

Dr. Carroll, in collaboration with Florida Tech's Cybersecurity department,  is also currently funded by ONR to examine educational approaches to engage and educate a more diverse cybersecurity workforce.  The effort is utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach and team to develop, implement, and evaluate an exploratory pilot project: an introductory cybersecurity training course for upper-level high school and college students with impactful STEM educational experiences.  The course will integrate instructional strategies shown efficacious for cybersecurity education and effective in targeting underrepresented minorities.  The outcome of this effort will be educational approaches and a pilot-program curriculum for an introductory-level cybersecurity course, empirically validated to increase learning outcomes, learner engagement, self-efficacy, interest and intent to pursue a career in cybersecurity, for underrepresented minorities.

She was also recently funded by the FAA to examine Human Factors considerations associated with integrating information from multiple sources on the flight deck. As new technology, such as Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) applications, becomes available on the flight deck, pilots have the opportunity to access, and make decisions based on, greater amounts of data from a range of different sources. Through theoretical and empirical study, this effort examined what information is being utilized on the flight deck, how this information is being integrated, and the implications for pilot decision making. The project included review of the relevant literature and safety/accident reports, survey and interview of pilots across general aviation and air transport domains, and conduct of a simulation study with commercial airline pilots to examine their response to different flight deck display configurations.

Research & Project Interests

Cognition and learning, tools and techniques related to:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Decision Making
  • Stress and Resilience
  • Learner Engagement
  • Human Machine Teaming/Human Autonomy Teaming
  • Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
  • Advanced/Urban Air Mobility (AAM/UAM)
  • Cognitive and Affective State
  • Individual differences
  • Behavioral and Physiological Assessment
  • Adaptive Training
  • Return on Training Investment/Training Fidelity Analysis
  • Human Factors in Cybersecurity
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