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Konstantin Gamayunov

Research Associate Professor | COES: Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences

Contact Information
(321) 674-7293
F.W. Olin Physical Science Building, 347

Educational Background

Ph.D., Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN), Moscow, Russia, 1994 (Thesis title: Wave phenomena in the Earth's magnetospheric ring current)

M.S., Physics, Department of Theoretical Physics, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia, 1986 (Thesis title: Multiple production process in hadron-hadron collisions)

Professional Experience

  • Research Associate Professor, Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Aerospace, Physics and Space Sciences, Melbourne, FL, USA, 2012- present
  • Research Scientist, Florida Institute of Technology, Department of Physics and Space Sciences, Melbourne, FL, USA, 2009-2012
  • Visiting Professional, Universities Space Research Association, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL, USA, 2008-2009
  • NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL, USA, 2006-2008
  • National Research Council Research Associate, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL, USA, 2005
  • Visiting Professional in Theoretical Physics, Universities Space Research Association, National Space Science and Technology Center, Huntsville, AL, USA, 2004-2005
  • Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Moscow, Russia, 2002-2004
  • Senior Research Scientist, Altai State University, Department of Medical Physics, Barnaul, Russia, 2001-2002
  • Post Doctoral Fellow, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA, 1999-2000
  • Visiting Research Scholar, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA, 1998-1999
  • Senior Research Scientist, Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation, Moscow, Russia, 1995-1998
  • Assistant Professor, Altai State University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Barnaul, Russia, 1994-1998
  • Senior Research Scientist, Altai State University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Barnaul, Russia, 1992-1997
  • Ph.D. Student, Altai State University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Barnaul, Russia, 1989-1992
  • Assistant Research Scientist, Altai State University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Barnaul, Russia, 1987-1989
  • Engineer, Altai State University, Department of Theoretical Physics, Barnaul, Russia, 1986-1987

Delivered Lectures on

  • Introduction to Space Plasma Physics - undergraduate, Florida Institute of Technology, USA, 2014
  • Physics of Turbulent Plasma - graduate, Altai State University, Russia, 1994-1998
  • Mechanics - undergraduate, Altai State University, Russia, 1994-1998
  • Nuclear Physics - undergraduate, Altai State University, Russia, 1994-1998
  • Calculus of Variations - undergraduate, Altai State University, Russia, 1994-1998
  • Integral Equations - undergraduate, Altai State University, Russia, 1994-1998
  • Equations of Mathematical Physics - undergraduate, Altai State University, Russia, 1994-1998

Participation In Peer-Review

Reviewed research articles submitted for publication in

  • Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics (JGR)
  • Geophysical Research Letters (GRL)
  • Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics (JASTP)
  • Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)
  • Earth, Planets and Space (EPS)
  • Proceedings of International Solar Wind Conference
  • Proceedings of Annual International Astrophysics Conference

Reviewed research proposals submitted to

  • NSF's Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) program
  • NSF's Solar, Heliosphere, and Interplanetary Environment (SHINE) program
  • NSF's Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (AGS-PRF) program
  • NASA's Heliophysics Supporting Research (H-SR) program
  • NASA's Heliophysics Guest Investigators (H-GI) program
  • NASA's Heliophysics Grand Challenges Research (H-GCR) program
  • NASA's Solar Terrestrial Probes program

Synergetic Activities

  • Regularly participate in the NASA's review panels
  • Serve as one of the five Focused Science Team (FST) members on “Pathways of Cold Plasma
    Through the Magnetosphere” selected by the NASA Heliophysics Living With a Star (LWS)
    program for the period of 2022–2026
  • Serve as a member of AstroFlorida group

Administrative Experience

Serve as the PI of projects involving collaborations of multiple institutions

Selected Publications

Gamayunov, K. V., Kim, H., & Shin, Y. (2024). EMIC Wave Energy Dissipation as a Source of O+ Conics and Warm Plasma Cloak in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129, e2023JA032399.

* Gamayunov, K. V., & Engebretson, M. J. (2022). Low frequency ULF waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere: Power spectra during high speed streams and quiet solar wind and seeding of EMIC waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 127, (25pp), e2022JA030647.

Gamayunov, K. V., & Engebretson, M. J. (2021). Low frequency ULF waves in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere: Statistics during coronal mass ejections and seeding of EMIC waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 126, (24pp), e2021JA029247.

Gamayunov, K. V., Engebretson, M. J., & Elkington, S. R.(2020). EMIC waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere as a function of solar wind structures during solar maximum. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125, (23pp), e2020JA027990.

Gamayunov, K. V., J. Heerikhuisen, and H. Rassoul (2019), Effect of the Interstellar Magnetic Field Draping Around the Heliopause on the IBEX Ribbon, ApJL, 876:L21 (6pp),

* Gamayunov, K. V., K. Min, A. A. Saikin, and H. Rassoul (2018), Generation of EMIC waves observed by Van Allen Probes at low L shells. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, 8533 – 8556,

Gamayunov, K. V., J. Heerikhuisen, and H. Rassoul (2017), A test of the Interstellar Boundary Explorer ribbon formation in the outer heliosheath, ApJ, 845:63 (10pp),

Heerikhuisen, J., K. V. Gamayunov, E. J. Zirnstein, and N. V. Pogorelov (2016), Neutral Atom Properties in the Direction of the IBEX Ribbon, ApJ, 831:137 (11pp),

Full publication list

*  Most-Read Publication

Recognition & Awards

NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship Award, USA, Period: 2006 - 2008

National Research Council Research Associateship Award, USA, 2005

Award to Outstanding Young Scientist from Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Period: 1994-1997


Have extensive experience in theoretical and computational space plasma physics, in particular in:

  • kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic modeling of the Earth's magnetospheric plasma
  • nonlinear wave-particle and wave-wave interactions in the Earth's magnetospheric ring current and radiation belts
  • large scale kinetic modeling of the Earth's magnetospheric ring current, plasmasphere, ionosphere, and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves
  • interaction between ultra low frequency wave activity in the Pc 4-5 frequency range (2-22 mHz) and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves (0.1-5 Hz) in Earth's magnetosphere
  • self-consistent kinetic modeling of the interstellar pickup ions, Alfvenic turbulence, and the core solar wind in the outer heliosphere
  • energetic particle propagation, acceleration, and interaction with neutral atoms in the heliosphere and interstellar medium
  • particle interactions with an external and self-generated turbulence
  • data analysis and interpretation


  • global, based on first principles, self-consistent computational model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves and ring current ions in a coupled system of the Earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and plasmasphere - the best currently available global model of electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves in Earth's magnetosphere
  • self-consistent kinetic model of the interstellar pickup ions, Alfvenic turbulence, and the core solar wind heating in the outer heliosphere



Since 2012, when my status in the U.S.A. allowed me to submit proposals, my NSF, NASA, and DOE grants total to $3,380,310 among which $2,183,783 as the PI and $1,196,527 as the Co-PI.


American Geophysical Union, 2005-present.

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