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Recent Faculty Publications (Highlighted)

Published/Accepted In 2022:

Arbic* P. R., Bukshtynov, V. On Reconstruction of Binary Images by Efficient Sample-based Parameterization in Applications for Electrical Impedance Tomography, International Journal of Computer Mathematics (2022),

Demirci, S., Sahin, E., Gaye, T., & Marcinkowski, T. (2022). Pre-service teachers’ beliefs on human population growth in the context of education for sustainable development: Development and validation of an instrument. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 23, 121-142.

Gibbs. A. & Park, J. (2022). Unboxing Mathematics: Creating a culture of modeling as critic. Educational Studies in Mathematics. DOI: 10.1007/s10649-021-10119-z

Hajaiej, H., Perera, K. Ground state and least positive energy solutions of elliptic problems involving mixed fractional p-Laplacians   Differential Integral Equations 35 (2022), no. 3-4, 173-190

Mugnai, D., Perera, K., Proietti Lippi, E.  A priori estimates for the fractional p-Laplacian with nonlocal Neumann boundary conditions and applications Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 21 (2022), no. 1, 275-292

Hasani, E., Perera, K. On the compactness threshold in the critical Kirchhoff equation Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 42 (2022), no. 1, 1-19.

J. Bedrossian, M. Gualdani, and S. Snelson, Non-existence of some approximately self-similar singularities for the Landau, Vlasov-Poisson-Landau, and Boltzmann equations, Transactions of the AMS, 375(3) 2187--2216, 2022.

M. Alammari* and S. Snelson, Linear and orbital stability analysis for solitary-wave solutions of variable-coefficient scalar field equations, Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations, Accepted for Publication. * Applied Mathematics PhD student

Stanley, T.R. Stanley, Guisbert, K.S.K., Perez, S.M. Perez, Oneka, M.**, Kernin, I.**, Higgins, N.R.**, Lobo, A.**, Subasi, M.M., Carroll, D.J., Turingan, R.G., Guisbert, E. Stress response gene family expansions correlate with invasive potential in teleost fishJournal of Experimental Biology (2022).**BioMath REU Intern


Published in 2021:

Abdulla, U.G., Poteau, R.* Identification of Parameters for Large-scale Kinetic Models, Journal of Computational Physics, March 2021, 110026. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Gayatri Pany and Ram N. Mohapatra, A study on vector variational- like inequalities using convexificators and application to its bi-level form, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2021, doi: 10.3934/jimo.2021161

Koolman** P. M., Bukshtynov V. A Multiscale Optimization Framework for Reconstructing Binary Images using Multilevel PCA-based Control Space Reduction, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 7(2) (2021), 025005.

Abdulla U. G., Bukshtynov V., Seif* S. Cancer Detection through Electrical Impedance Tomography and Optimal Control Theory: Theoretical and Computational Analysis, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18(4) (2021), 4834-4859

Dshalalow, J. , Al-Obaidi, A. Characterization of generalized Poisson measures on topological spaces, Journal of Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Taylor and Francis, 39:3 (2021), 525-548

Computational Investigation of Platelet Thrombus Mechanics and Stability in Stenotic Channels. Jian Du, Elise Aspray, Aaron Fogelson, Journal of Biomechanics, 122 (2021) 110398

Enhancement of Active Swimming Near Fluid Interfaces. Avriel Cartwright*, Jian Du, 2021 International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing.

Low Reynolds Number Swimming Near Interfaces in Multi-Fluid Media. Avriel Cartwright, Jian Du, Applied Sciences, 11 (2021), 9109

Modeling and Simulation of the Ion-Binding-Mediated Swelling Dynamics of Mucin-like Poly - electrolyte Gels.  Jian Du, Owen Lewis, James Keener, Aaron Fogelson, Gels, 7(4) (2021), 244.

Dshalalow, J. H., White, R.T. Current Trends in Random Walks on Random LatticesMathematics 9, 1148 (2021). 

Dshalalow, J. H., White, R.T. Random walk analysis in a reliability system under constant degradation and random shocksAxioms 10, 199 (2021). 

Dshalalow, J. H., Nandyose, K.*, White, R. T., "Time sensitive analysis of antagonistic stochastic processes and applications to finance and queueing," Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 481 - 500, 2021. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Young, S.A., *Newton, A.R., Fowler, S.R., and Park, J. (2021). Critical thinking activities in Florida undergraduate Biology classes improves comprehension of climate changeJournal of Biological Education. 

Perera, K.  An abstract critical point theorem with applications to elliptic problems with combined nonlinearities  Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 60 (2021), no. 5, Paper No. 181, 23 pp.

Perera, K.  On a class of elliptic free boundary problems with multiple solutions  NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 28, 36 (2021).

Fu, S.*, Perera, K. On critical elliptic problems with singular Trudinger-Moser nonlinearities. Nonlinear Analysis. 203 (2021) 112154. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Perera, K. On the existence of ground state solutions to critical growth problems nonresonant at zero  C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 359 (2021), no. 9, 1161-1164.

Candito, P., Marano, S. A., Perera, K.  Pairs of nontrivial solutions to concave-linear-convex type elliptic problems  Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021), no. 8, 2050057.

Fu, S., Perera, K. On a class of semipositone problems with singular Trudinger-Moser nonlinearities  Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 14 (2021), no. 5, 1747-1756.

Kutt, B.**, Burdorf, R.**, Bain, T.*, T., Cameron, N.^^, Pearah, A.^^, Subasi, E., Carroll, D., Moore, L., Subasi, M.M. Identification of Prognostic Biomarker Candidates Associated with Melanoma Using High-Dimensional Genomic Data. Frontiers in Genetics, September 2021 *Operations Research Ph.D. Student, **BioMath REU Intern, ^^Biological Sciences Undergrad

Moreno, M.M.^ , Bain, T.C.*, Moreno, M.S.*, Carroll, K.C.**, Cunningham, E.R.**, Ashton, Z.***, Poteau, R.*, Subasi, E., Lipkowitz, M.S., Subasi, M.M. Identifying Clinical and Genomic Features Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease, Frontiers in Big Data 3, 47, Januay 14, 2021. ^Operations Research M.S. Student , *Operations Research Ph.D. Student, **BioMath REU Intern, ***Mathematical Sciences B.S. Student

T. Gnana Bhaskar, Introduction to Mathematics, Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering (2021). (Book Chapter 1, pp. 1- 23)

B. Choudhury, T. Gnana Bhaskar, N. Metiya and S. Kundu, Existence and Stability of coupled Fixed Point sets for Multivalued mappings, Fixed Point Theory, 22 (2021), 2, 571-586.

Stefan, A.*, Welters, A. A Short Proof of the Symmetric Determinantal Representation of PolynomialsLinear Algebra and Its Applications 627, 80-93, October 2021. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Mahendrakar, T.*, Cutler, J.^^, Ekblad, A.^, Rivkin, A.^^, Fischer, N.^^, Watkins, K.^^, Wilde. M., White, R.T., Kish, B., Silver, I. Use of artificial intelligence for feature recognition and flightpath planning around non-cooperative resident space objects. AIAA ASCEND 2021. *Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. student ^Electrical Engineering Undergrad ^^Aerospace Engineering Undergrad

T. Mahendrakar, T.*, White, R. T., Wilde, M., Kish, B., and Silver, I. Real-time satellite component recognition YOLOv5. 35th Annual Small Satellite Conference (2021).  *Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. student 

Published In 2020:

Abdulla, U.G., Cosgrove,E.* Optimal Control of Multiphase Free Boundary Problems for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, January 2020. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Abu Weden, A.* Interface development for the nonlinear degenerate multidimensional reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA 27:3, February 2020. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Poggi, P.* Optimal Stefan Problem. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 59, 61, March 2020.  *Applied Math M.S. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Jeli, R.* Evolution of Interfaces for the Nonlinear Parabolic p-Laplacian-type Reaction-Diffusion Equations. II. Fast Diffusion vs. Absorption, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 31, Issue 3, June 2020, pp. 385-406.  *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Goldfarb, J., Hagverdiyev, A.* Optimal Control of Coefficients in Parabolic Free Boundary Problems Modeling Laser Ablation, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 372, July 2020. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Dshalalow, J.H., White, R. Random Walks on Random Lattices. Stochastic Analysis and Applications 38(2), 307-342, 2020.

Dshalalow, J.H., White, R., Merie, A.* Fluctuation Analysis in Parallel Queues with Hysteretic Control. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 22(1), 295-327, 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D Student

Du, J., Kim, D., Alhawael, G.*, Ku, D., Gogelson, A. Clot Permeability, Agonist Transport, and Platelet Binding Kinetics in Arterial Thrombosis. Biophysical Journal. 119 pp.2102-2115. 2020. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Du, J., Aspray, A.*, Fogelson, A. Computational Investigation of Platelet Thrombosis Mechanis and Stability in Stenotic Channels. Journal of Biomechanics. 2020 (accepted). *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Alshehri, H.*, Althobaiti, N.*, Du, J. Low Reynolds Number Swimming with Slip Conditions. Journal of Computational Science. 12141 pp 149.162. 2020. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Wiseman, E., Carroll, D.J., Fowler., S.R., Guisbert, E. Iteration in an inquiry-based undergraduate laboratory strengthens student engagement and incorporation of scientific skills. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 2020.

Bancroft, S., Fowler, S.R., Jalaeian, M., Patterson, K. Leveling in the field: Flipped instruction has a tool for promoting equity in general chemistry. The Journal of Chemical Education. 2020.

Kachouie, N.N., Shutaywi, M.* Weighted Mutual Information for Aggregated Kernel Clustering. Entropy 22(3), 351, March 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Kachouie, N.N., Deebani, W.* Association Factor for Identifying Linear and Nonlinear Correlations in Noisy Conditions. Entropy 22(4), 440, April 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Lim, S.H., Tiew, W.J., Zhang, J., Ho, P.C., Kachouie, N.N., Kang, L. Geometrical optimisation of a personalised microneedle eye patch for transdermal delivery of anti-wrinkle small peptide. Biofabrication, April 2020.

Kachouie, N.N., Shutaywi, M.*, Christiani, D.C. Discriminant Analysis of Lung Cancer Using Nonlinear Clustering of Copy Numbers. Cancer Investigation 38 (2), 102-112, February 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Kachouie, N.N., Onyejekwe, O.E.* Climate Change Study via the Centennial Trend of Climate Factors. Hydrology 7(2), 1-12, May 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Kachouie, N.N., Hamad, F.* Potential impact of OPTN plan in association with donors’ factors on survival times of transplanted kidneys. Transplantation Reports 5(2), 100042, June 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Elrod, E.*, Park, J. A Comparison of Students' Quantitative Reasoning Skills in STEM and Non-STEM Math Pathways. Numeracy. 13(2) Article 3 pp1936-4660 12.2.1309 (2020). *Math Ed Ph.D. Student

Perera, K., Sim, I. Positive solutions of semipositone elliptic problems with critical Trudinger-Moser nonlinearities. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analalysis 55(1), 243-255, March 2020.

Perera, K., Shivaji, R., Sim, I. A class of semipositone p-Laplacian problems with a critical growth reaction term. Adv. Nonlinear Anal. 9 (2020), 516-525.

Fu, S., Perera, K. On a class of semipositone problems with singular Trudinger-Moser nonlinearities. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S (in press).

Henderson, C., Snelson, S. C∞ smoothing for weak solutions of the inhomogeneous Landau equation, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 236(1) 113-143, April 2020.

Snelson, S. Gaussian bounds for the inhomogeneous Landau equation with hard potentials. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 52(2), 2081-2097, April 2020.

Cameron, S., Snelson, S. Velocity decay estimates for Boltzmann equation with hard potentials. Nonlinearity 33(6) 2941-2959, May 2020.

Henderson, C., Snelson, S., Tarfulea, A. Local well-posedness of the Boltzmann equation with polynomially decaying initial data, Kinetic & Related Models, 13(4) 837-867, August 2020.

Henderson, C., Snelson, S., Tarfulea, A. Local solutions of the Landau equation with rough, slowly decaying initial data. Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincaré (C) Analyse Non Linéaire (in press). 

Alreshidi, N.*, Mrad, M., Subasi, E., Subasi, M.M. Two-Stage Bond Portfolio Optimization & Its Application to Saudi Sukuk Market. Annals of Operations Research 288, 1-43, February 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Bain, T.C.*, Avila-Herrera, J.F.*, Subasi, E., Subasi M.M. Logical Analysis of Multiclass Data with Relaxed Patterns. Annals of Operations Research 287, 11-35, 2020. *Operations Research Ph.D. Students

T. Gnana Bhaskar, V. Slynko, V. Stability of invariant manifolds of certain classes of Set Differential Equations, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete, Impulsive Systems, series A: Mathematical Analysis, 27 (2020), 1 – 17. 

Published in 2019:

Abdulla, U.G., Bukshtynov, V., Hagverdiyev, A.* Gradient method in Hilbert-Besov spaces for the optimal control of parabolic free boundary problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 346 (2019), 84-109. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Poggi, B.* Optimal control of the multiphase Stefan problem. Applied Mathematics and Optimization 80(2) (2019), 479-513. *Applied Math M.S. Student

Dshalalow, J.H., Nandyose, K.* Real time analysis of signed marked random measures with applications to finance and insurance. Nonlinear Dynamics and System Theory1 (19) (2019), 36-54. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Folick, A.M., Haire, T.C., Cutshaw, K., Riddle, M., Shola, C., Nassani, S., Rice, P., Richardson, B., Kachouie, N.N., Palmer, A.G. Computer assisted tracking of Chlamydomonas species. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 1616, January 2019.

Kachouie, N.N., Deebani, W.*, Christiani, D.C. Identifying Similarities and Disparities Between DNA Copy Number Changes in Cancer and Matched Blood Samples. Cancer investigation. 37(10), 535-545, October 2019. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Hamad, F.*, Kachouie, N.N. Potential Impact of Donors’ Factors on Survival Times of Transplanted Hearts and Lungs. Transplantation Reports. 4(4), 100035, December 2019. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Hamad, F.*, Kachouie, N.N. A hybrid method to estimate the full parametric hazard model. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 48(22), 5477-5491. 2019. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Dutra, A*., Marcinkowski, T., Webbe, F.* (in press). Testing a model of the relationship of demographic, affective, and fitness variables to academic achievement among non-science majors at an independent. International Journal of Sport and Society. *Science Education Ph.D. Student

Riaz, M.*, Marcinkowski, T., Faisal, A.* (in press). The effects of a DLSCL approach on students’ conceptual understanding in an undergraduate physics introductory lab. Eurasian Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. *Science Education Ph.D. Student

Marcinkowski, T., Reid, A.* Reviews of research on the attitude-behavior relationship and their implications for future research in EE. Environmental Education Research, 25(4) (2019), 1-13. *Science Education Ph.D. Student

Perera, K., Sim, I. Positive solutions of semipositone elliptic problems with critical Trudinger-Moser nonlinearities Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. (2019). To appear.

Yang, Y., Perera, K. Existence and nondegeneracy of ground states in critical free boundary problems. Nonlinear Anal. 180 (2019), 75-93. 

Henderson, C., Snelson, S., Tarfulea, A. Local existence, lower mass bounds, and a new continuation criterion for the Landau equation. J. Differential Equations 266(2-3) (2019), 1536–1577.
White, R.T., Dshalalow, J.H. Characterizations of random walks on random lattices and their ramifications. Stochastic Analysis and Applications (2019)

Published in 2018:

Abdulla, U.G., Du, J., Prinkey, A.*, Ondracek, C., Parimoo, S. Evolution of interfaces for the nonlinear double degenerate parabolic equation of turbulent filtration with absorption. Math. Comput. Simulation 153 (2018), 59–82. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Goldfarb, J.M. Frechet differentiability in Besov spaces in the optimal control of parabolic free boundary problems. J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl. 26(2) (2018), 211–227.

Abdulla, U.G., Poteau, R.* Identification of parameters in systems biology. Mathematical Biosciences 305 (2018), 133–145. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G. Removability of the logarithmic singularity for the elliptic PDEs with measurable coefficients and its consequences. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 57(6) 2018), 157.

Volkov O., Bukshtynov V., Durlofsky L.J., Aziz K. Gradient-based Pareto Optimal History Matching for Noisy Data of Multiple Types, Computational Geosciences 22(6) (2018), 1465-1485.

Dshalalow, J.H., Nandyose, K.Continuous time interpolation of monotone marked random measures with applications. Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations 2 (26) (2018), 119-141. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Dshalalow, J.H., Merie, A.* Fluctuation analysis in queues with several operational modes and priority customers. TOP 26(2) (2018), 309–333. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Al-Obaidi, A.*, Dshalalow, J.H. On intensities of perturbed random measures on Hausdorff spaces. Stochastic Analysis and Applications 6 (2018), 932-959. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Du, J., Fogelson, A.L. A two-phase mixture model of platelet aggregation. Math. Med. Biol. 35(2) (2018), 225–256.

Deebani, W.*, Nezamoddini-Kachouie, N. Ensemble Correlation Coefficient. Proceedings of 2018 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, FL. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Shutaywi, M.*, Nezamoddini-Kachouie, N. A Weighted Majority Voting based on Normalized Mutual Information for Cluster Analysis. Proceedings of 2018 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, FL. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Perera, K., Yang, Y., Zhang, Z. Asymmetric critical p -Laplacian problems. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 57(5) (2018), 131.

Perera, K., Squassina, M. Bifurcation results for problems with fractional Trudinger-Moser nonlinearity. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 11(3) (2018), 561–576.

Perera, K., Squassina, M. Existence results for double-phase problems via Morse theory. Commun. Contemp. Math. 20(2) (2018), 1750023.

Perera, K., Tintarev, C., Wang, J., Zhang, Z. Ground and bound state solutions for a Schrödinger system with linear and nonlinear couplings in R N . Adv. Differential Equations 23(7-8) (2018), 615–648.

Jerison, D., Perera, K. Higher critical points in an elliptic free boundary problem. J. Geom. Anal. 28(2) (2018), 1258–1294.

Perera, K., Zou, W. p -Laplacian problems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents. NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 25(3) (2018), 25.

Snelson, S. Asymptotic stability for odd perturbations of the stationary kink in the variable-speed ϕ 4 model. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 370 (10) (2018), 7437–7460.

Cameron, S.; Silvestre, L., Snelson, S. Global a priori estimates for the inhomogeneous Landau equation with moderately soft potentials. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 35 (2018), no. 3, 625–642.

Kutt, B., Burdorf, R., Bain, T.C.*, Moore, L., Subasi, M.M. Interalgorithmic Consolidation for Pattern Recognition Applied to Melanoma Genomic Data. Proceedings of 2018 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, FL. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Bain, T.C.*, Avila-Herrera, J.F.*, Subasi, E., Subasi, M.M. Logical Analysis of Multiclass Data with Relaxed Patterns. Proceedings of 2018 International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, Fort Lauderdale, FL. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Alharbi, M.G.*, Subasi, E., Subasi, M.M. New sufficient conditions for strong unimodality of multivariate discrete distributions. Discrete Appl. Math. 237 (2018), 1–25. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Subasi, E., Subasi, M.M., Binmahfoudh, A.*, Prékopa, A. Sharp bounds for the probability that exactly k-out-of-n events occur with unimodal distributions. Annals of Operations Research (2018), 1-25. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

van Woesik, R., Koksal, S., Unal, A., Cacciapaglia, C.W., Randall, C.J. Predicting coral dynamics through climate change. Nature: Scientific Reports 8 (2018), 17997. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36169-7

Published in 2017

Abdulla, U.G., Jeli, R.* Evolution of interfaces for the non-linear parabolic p -Laplacian type reaction-diffusion equations. European Journal of  Applied Mathematics, 28 (5) (2017), 827–853. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Cosgrove, E.*, Goldfarb, J. On the Frechet differentiability in optimal control of coefficients in parabolic free boundary problems. Evolution Equations & Control Theory 6(3) (2017), 319–344. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Abdulla, U.G., Abdulla, R.U., Abdulla, M.U., Iqbal, N.H.* Second minimal orbits, Sharkovski ordering and universality in chaos. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 27 (2017), no. 5, 1730018. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Dshalalow, J.H., Iwezulu, K.Discrete versus continuous operational calculus in antagonistic stochastic games. São Paulo Journal of Math. Science 11(2) (2017), 471-489. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student 

Onyejekwe, O.E.*, Holman, B., Kachouie, N.N. Multivariate models for predicting glacier termini. Environmental Earth Sciences. 76(23), 807. 2017. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

 Qin, L., Schwartzman, A., McCall, K. Kachouie, N.N., Yap, J.T. Method for detecting voxelwise changes in fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography brain images via background adjustment in cancer clinical trials. Journal of Medical Imaging. 4(2), 024006 1. 2017.

 Kachouie, N.N., Lin, X., Schwartzman, A. FDR control of detected regions by multiscale matched filtering. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 46 (1), 127-144. 2017.

Kiguradze, T., Al-Jaber, N.* Ill-Posed Multi-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems for Linear Hyperbolic Equations of Higher Order.  QUALITDE (2017), 92-96. *Applied Math Ph.D. Student

Kiguradze, T., Beaubrun, A.* 

Local Solvability of Multi-Dimensional Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Higher Order Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations. QUALITDE (2017), 97-101.

Subasi, E., Subasi, M.M., Hammer, P.L., Roboz, J., Anbalagan, V., Lipkowitz, M.A. Classification Model to Predict the Rate of Decline of Kidney Function. Frontiers in Medicine 4 (2017), 97-106.

Subasi, M.M., Subasi, E., Binmahfoudh, A.*, Prekopa, A. New bounds for the probability that at least k-out-of-n events occur with unimodal distributions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 226 (2017), 138-157. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student 

Under Review

Dshalalow, J.H., Nandyose, K.*, White, R.T. (2019). Time-Dependent Analysis of Stochastic Games of Three Players with Applications. *Operations Research Ph.D. Student

Giannoulis, C., Marcinkowski, T., Volk, T., Hungerford, H., McBeth, W. (2019). Influence of sequence of grade-level programming on middle school students’ environmental literacy. The Journal of Environmental Education. Revision submitted.

Gibbs, A., Park, J. (2019). MESH (Mathematics Expressing Society’s Hopes): A pedagogical tool for uncovering the role of mathematics in society.

Gibbs, A., Park, J. (2019). Students’ Understanding of the role of Mathematics in Society:  Mathematising experiences, establishing relevancy.

Henderson, C., Snelson, S. (2019). Tarfulea, Andrei. Local Solutions of the Landau Equation with Rough, Slowly Decaying Initial Data. Link:

Marcinkowski, T., Giannoulis, C., McBeth, W. (2019). Environmental education programs and middle school students’ environmental literacy: Results of a national assessment. The Journal of Environmental Education. Revision submitted.

Park, J. (2019). Makiguchi’s Theory of ‘Value Creation’ and Its Implications for Global Citizenship Education in Mathematical Practices. 

Snelson, S. (2019). The inhomogeneous Landau equation with hard potentials. Link:
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